28 Weeks

7 Months Pregnant And Searching For A Job

My experience as a pregnant woman on a job search. Originally Posted on The Young Mommy Life

I have been searching for a job since before I discovered I was pregnant.  That was 35 weeks ago.  Needless to say, my initial reactions to the news were shock and panic. “How can we afford a baby?”

My husband of five years and I have been working our way towards financial stability by increasing income, building our savings and accruing assets.  Last year, we decided to build our marketing/communications company and I left my full-time job to do so.   The past year, I have worked on different projects on a contract basis. Business has been steady with back-to-back contracts but I was in need of more stable income. I don’t have to tell you. Everyone is looking for extra income in this economy.  With a year of contractor work experience, I was ready to re-enter the managerial/professional workforce for a more permanent income source.

When I reached the 28 weeks milestone of my pregnancy.  How did I celebrate, you ask? I went on another job interview.  Like many women in my position it’s a little nerve wrecking.  What do I wear?  Should I hide my growing belly? Should I or when do I mention the pregnancy? Surprisingly, there are message boards on pregnancy websites and actually a New York Times article that address all these questions and more.

I went on my last job interview at 31 weeks.  And the employer came to the same conclusion as my two previous interviewers: “Although you are highly qualified we decided to go with another candidate.”

It was nice to get some type of feedback but nothing substantial to really utilize in my future job search.  I figured the universe was confirming that my focus should be on the baby.  Honestly, even though I would exceed expectations of my job requirements; I know I would feel guilty for taking time off for appointments and then labor/delivery.  Who needs the stress of guilt during pregnancy?

It has always been my desire to be a work-at-home mom.  I enjoy working from the comfort of my home with flexible hours.  At this point I will continue to work as an independent contractor and as the baby grows, I’ll look for other opportunities to grow my business as well as expand my networking circle.

This week marks 36 weeks and it’s all good.  No dilation, which I’m happy about. Currently, he weighs about 5 lbs 4 oz and still has plenty of room to grow.  I’m so fortunate to have a healthy pregnancy; there have been no complications. I need this baby to come a little bit after his due date (November 2).  We still have so much to do!
As a mommy to be what were/are the projects you hurried to complete before D-Day?

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